PHP 8.4.0 Alpha 1 available for testing

The Swoole\Client class

(PECL swoole >= 1.9.0)


Class synopsis

class Swoole\Client {
/* Constants */
const int MSG_OOB = 1;
const int MSG_PEEK = 2;
const int MSG_DONTWAIT = 128;
const int MSG_WAITALL = 64;
/* Properties */
public $errCode;
public $sock;
public $reuse;
public $reuseCount;
/* Methods */
public close(bool $force = ?): bool
public connect(
    string $host,
    int $port = ?,
    int $timeout = ?,
    int $flag = ?
): bool
public __destruct(): void
public getpeername(): array
public getsockname(): array
public isConnected(): bool
public on(string $event, callable $callback): void
public pause(): void
public pipe(string $socket): void
public recv(string $size = ?, string $flag = ?): void
public resume(): void
public send(string $data, string $flag = ?): int
public sendfile(string $filename, int $offset = ?): bool
public sendto(string $ip, int $port, string $data): bool
public set(array $settings): void
public sleep(): void
public wakeup(): void






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